# Image2 Catalog Number Yvert Number Michel Number Denomination Description Date Issued Perforation Color Actions
1181 1195 1533 1600 60c Marie Curie 10/23/1967 13 dk blue & ultra
1182 1196 1534 1601 40c Lions Enblem 10/28/1967 13 dk car & vio blue
1183 1197 1535 1602 25 c. Marianne(by Cheffer) 10/4/1967 dark blue
1184 1198 1536 1603 30c Marianne (by Cheffer) 10/28/1967 13 bright lilac
1185 1199 1538 1604 40c King Philip II at the battle of Bouvines 11/13/1967 13 gray & black
1186 1200 1537 1605 40c Election of Hugh Capet as King 11/13/1967 13 steel blue & ultra
1187 1201 1539 1606 60c King Louis IX holding audience for the poor 11/13/1967 13 green & dk red brown
1188 1202 1542 1609 40c Commemorative Medal 1/6/1968 dk slate grn & bis
1189 1203 1548 1615 25c Various Road Signs 2/24/1968 lil, red & dk bl grn
1190 1204 1555 1619 1.00f Prehistoric Paintings, Lascaux 13 multicolored