# Image2 Catalog Number Yvert Number Michel Number Denomination Description Date Issued Perforation Color Actions
561 562 755 752 10 c. Arms of Corsica 1/1/1946 14 x 13½ blue & black
562 563 756 753 30 c. Alsace 1/1/1946 14 x 13½ red, orange & black
563 564 757 754 50 c. Lorraine 1/1/1946 14 x 13½ red, orange & brown
564 565 758 755 50 c. County of Nice 1/1/1946 14 x 13½ red, blue & black
565 566 761 763 3 f. Reaching for PEACE 7/29/1946 13 Prussian green
566 567 762 764 10 f. Holding the Dove of Peace 7/29/1946 13 dark blue
567 568 759 756 5 f. Vezelay 1/1/1946 13 rose violet
568 569 760 758 10 f. Luxembourg Palace 1/1/1946 13 dark blue
569 570 763 759 15 f. Rocamadour 1/1/1946 13 dk violet brn
570 571 764 760 20fr Pointe du Raz, Finistere 1/1/1946 13 slate gray