# Image2 Catalog Number Yvert Number Michel Number Denomination Description Date Issued Perforation Color Actions
1951 1985 2385 2515 2fr Trees, leaves & fruit of the elm 9/21/1985 multi
1952 1986 2386 2516 3fr Trees, leaves & fruit of the oak 9/21/1985 multi
1953 1987 2387 2517 5fr Trees, leaves & fruit of the spruce 9/21/1985 multi
1954 1988 2389 2520 1.80fr La France Mourning the Dead, Eternal Flame 11/2/1985 brn, org & lake
1955 1989 2390 2521 3.20fr Charles Dullin, 1885-1949, impresario, theater 11/9/1985 blk & blue
1956 1990 2391 2522 2.20fr Natl. Information System 11/16/1985 red & blk
1957 1991 2393 2525 3.20fr Thai Ambassadors at the Court of King Louis XIV, Painting 1/25/1986 rose lake & blk
1958 1992 2394 2526 2.20fr Leisure, by Fernand Leger 2/1/1986 multi
1959 1993 2395 2531 2.20fr Venice Carnival, Paris 2/12/1986 multi
1960 1994 2407 2537 5fr La Marianne, Typograph by Raymond Gid 3/3/1986 blk & dk red