# Image Thumbs Cert Num Cert Date Catalog Number Year Denom Color Grade Description Opinion Cert Link Actions
94731 1296310 2015-01-20 RW62 1995 $15 Multicolored VF-XF 85 Mint OGnh it is genuine unused, o.g., never hinged. http://psestamp.com/Cert/1296310
94732 1296311 2015-01-06 343 1908 1c Green Ungraded Mint OGnh it is genuine unused, o.g., never hinged, with FAKE vertical perforations. http://psestamp.com/Cert/1296311
94733 1296312 2015-01-06 384 1910 2c Carmine Ungraded Mint OGph it is genuine unused, o.g., previously hinged, with FAKE horizontal perforations. http://psestamp.com/Cert/1296312
94734 1296313 2015-01-06 409 1912 2c Carmine Ungraded Mint OGnh it is genuine unused, o.g., never hinged, with FAKE vertical perforations. http://psestamp.com/Cert/1296313
94735 1296314 2015-01-28 Q8 1913 20c Carmine rose VF 80 Mint OGph it is genuine unused, o.g., previously hinged. http://psestamp.com/Cert/1296314
94736 1296315 2015-01-28 Q11 1913 75c Carmine rose XF 90 Mint OGnh it is genuine unused, o.g., never hinged. http://psestamp.com/Cert/1296315
94737 1296316 2015-01-28 Q12 1913 $1 Carmine rose Ungraded Mint OGnh it is genuine unused, o.g., never hinged, REPERFORATED at the bottom. http://psestamp.com/Cert/1296316
94738 1296317 2015-01-08 432 1914 9c Salmon red XF 90J Mint OGph it is genuine unused, o.g., previously hinged. http://psestamp.com/Cert/1296317
94739 1296318 2015-01-08 288 1898 5c Dull blue XF 90 Mint OGh it is genuine unused, o.g., hinged. http://psestamp.com/Cert/1296318
94740 1296319 2015-01-08 439 1914 30c Orange red XF 90 Mint OGh it is genuine unused, o.g., hinged. http://psestamp.com/Cert/1296319