# Thumbnail Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Variety Date Issued Gum Type Actions
561 R282 Documentary - John Marshal $30 vermilion R17 - Types of 1917 handstamped in blue "Series 1940"
562 R282a Documentary - John Marshal $30 vermilion R17 - With black 2-line handstamp in larger type
563 R283 Series 1940/James Madison $60 brown
564 R283a Series 1940/James Madison $60 brown As R282a, cut cancel
565 R284 Documentary - John Marshal $100 green
566 R285 Series 1940/Alexander Hamilton $500 blue
567 R285a Series 1940/Alexander Hamilton $500 blue As R282a
568 R285b Series 1940/Alexander Hamilton $500 blue Blue handstamp, double transfer
569 R285c Series 1940/Alexander Hamilton $500 blue Violet handstamp, double transfer
570 R286 Series 1940/James Madison $1,000 orange