# Thumbnail Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Variety Date Issued Gum Type Actions
431 R173 Allegorical Figrure of Commerce $1 dark green R16 1/1/1898 Water Activated
432 R173a Allegorical Figrure of Commerce $1 dark green R16 - Vert. pair, imperf. horiz. Water Activated
433 R173b Allegorical Figrure of Commerce $1 dark green R16 - Horiz. pair imperf. vert. Water Activated
434 R173p Allegorical Figrure of Commerce $1 dark green R16 Water Activated
435 R174 Allegorical Figrure of Commerce $3 dark  green R16 1/1/1898 Water Activated
436 R174a Allegorical Figrure of Commerce $3 dark brown R16 - Horiz. pair, imperf. vert. Water Activated
437 R174p Allegorical Figrure of Commerce $3 dark brown R16 Water Activated
438 R175 Allegorical Figrure of Commerce $5 orange red R16 Water Activated
439 R176 Allegorical Figrure of Commerce $10 black R16 Water Activated
440 R176a Allegorical Figrure of Commerce $10 black R16 - Horiz. pair, imperf. vert. Water Activated