# Thumbnail Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Variety Date Issued Gum Type Actions
301 R107a Internal Revenue - Geo. Washington 5c blue  and  black R12a - Inverted Center 1/1/1871 Water Activated
302 R108 Internal Revenue - Geo. Washington 6c blue  and  black R12a 1/1/1871 Water Activated
303 R109 Internal Revenue - Geo. Washington 10c blue  and  black R12a 1/1/1871 Water Activated
304 R109a Internal Revenue - Geo. Washington 10c blue  and  black R12a - Inverted Center 1/1/1871 Water Activated
305 R110 Internal Revenue - Geo. Washington 15c blue  and  black R12a 1/1/1871 Water Activated
306 R111 Internal Revenue - Geo. Washington 20c blue  and  black R12a 1/1/1871 Water Activated
307 R111a Internal Revenue - Geo. Washington 20c blue  and  black R12a - Inverted Center 1/1/1871 Water Activated
308 R112 Internal Revenue - Geo. Washington 25c blue  and  black R13 Water Activated
309 R112a Internal Revenue - Geo. Washington 25c blue  and  black R13 - Inverted Center Water Activated
310 R112b Internal Revenue - Geo. Washington 25c blue  and  black R13 - Sewing Machine Perf. Water Activated