# Thumbnail Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Variety Date Issued Gum Type Actions
261 233 Fleet of Columbus 4c ultramarine A74 1/2/1893 Water Activated
262 234 Columbus Soliciting Aid 5c chocolate A75 1/2/1893 Water Activated
263 235 Columbus at Barcelona 6c purple A76 1/2/1893 Water Activated
264 236 Restored to Favor 8c magenta A77 3/3/1893 Water Activated
265 237 Presenting Natives 10c black brown A78 1/2/1893 Water Activated
266 238 Announcing Discovery 15c dark green A79 1/2/1893 Water Activated
267 239 Columbus at LaRabida 30c orange brown A80 1/2/1893 Water Activated
268 240 Recall of Columbus 50c slate blue A81 1/2/1893 Water Activated
269 241 Isabella Pledging Jewels $1 salmon A82 1/2/1893 Water Activated
270 242 Columbus in Chains $2 brown red A83 1/2/1893 Water Activated