# Thumbnail Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Variety Date Issued Gum Type Actions
1051 976 Fort Bliss 3c henna brown A423 11/5/1948 Water Activated
1052 977 Moina Michael 3c rose pink A424 11/9/1948 Water Activated
1053 978 Gettysburg Address 3c bright blue A425 11/19/1948 Water Activated
1054 979 American Turners 3c carmine A426 11/20/1948 Water Activated
1055 980 Joel Chandler Harris 3c bright red violet 12/9/1948 Water Activated
1056 981 Minnesota Territory 3c blue green A428 3/3/1949 Water Activated
1057 982 Washington  and  Lee University 3c ultramarine A429 4/12/1949 Water Activated
1058 983 Puerto9 Rican Farmer Holding Cogwheel and Ballot Box 3c green A430 4/27/1949 Water Activated
1059 984 Annapolis Tercentenary 3c aquamarine A431 5/23/1949 Water Activated
1060 985 Grand Army of the Republic 3c bright rose carmine A432 8/29/1949 Water Activated