Domestic Letter Rate: 5¢ per oz.
Postcard Rate: 4¢
Air Mail Rate: 8¢ per oz.
Commemorative Postage Stamps of 1965
Rotary Press - Perf 10½ x 11 - 200 Subject Electric Eye Plates
Winston Churchill
Fulton, MO - May 13 - 125,180,000 issued
Dante Alighieri 700th Anniversary
San Francisco, CA - July 17 - 115,340,000 issued
Herbert Hoover - 31st President
West Branch, IA - Aug. 10 - 114,840,000 issued
Giori Press - Perf 11 - 200 Subject Plates
Physical Fitness
Washington, D.C. - Feb. 15 - 115,095,000 issued
Crusade Against Cancer
Washington, D.C. - April 1 - 119,560,000 issued
Surrender at Appomattox Centenary
Appomattox, VA - Apr. 9 - 112,845,000 issued
Battle of New Orleans 150th Anniv.
New Orleans, LA - Feb. 8 - 115,695,000 issued
Magna Carta 750th Anniversary
Jamestown, VA - June 15 - 120,135,000 issued
United Nations 20th Anniversary
San Francisco, CA - June 26 - 115,405,000 issued
Salvation Army Centenary
New York, NY - July 2, 1965
115,855,000 issued
Settlement of Florida
St. Augustine, FL - Aug. 28, 1965
116,900,000 issued
John Copley - Artist
Washington, D.C. - Sep. 17, 1965
114,880,000 issued
Adlai E. Stevenson
Bloomington, IL - Oct. 23
128,495,000 issued
Robert Fulton
Clermont, NY - Aug. 19 - 116,140,000 issued
Traffic Safety Issue
Baltimore, MD - Sep. 3 - 114,085,000 issued
International Telecommunication Union
Washington, D.C. - Oct. 6 - 26,995,000 issued
1965 Christmas Issue - Angel With Trumpet
Weathervane circa 1840
Silver Bell, AZ - Nov. 2, 1965
1,139,930,000 issued
The following postage stamp varieties were first issued by the U.S. in 1965
Regular Issue
see: 1965 Prominent Americans Issue
Number 1282 - 4¢ Abraham Lincoln - Nov. 19, 1965 - Designer: Bill Hyde - Engraver: J. S. Creamer
Number 1282a - 4¢ Abraham Lincoln - Tagged - Dec. 1, 1965
Number 1182 - 5¢ Surrender at Appomattox - Designer: Leonard Fellman - Engraver: A. W. Dintaman
Number 1182a - 5¢ Surrender at Appomattox - Horizontal Pair Imperforate Vertically
Number 1261 - 5¢ Gen. Jackson Leading the Charge - Sesquicentennial Medal - Designer: R. J. Jones - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1262 - 5¢ Discus Thrower - Designer: Norman Todhunter - Engraver: A. W. Dintaman
Number 1263 - 5¢ Fighting Cancer with Microscope and Stethoscope - Designer: Stevan Dohanos - Engraver: J. S. Creamer
Number 1264 - 5¢ Portrait of Winston Churchill - Designer: Richard Hurd - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1265 - 5¢ Noblemen and the Royal Crown - Designer: Brook Temple - Engraver: A. W. Dintaman
Number 1266 - 5¢ The Emblem of the UN's International Year of Cooperation - Designer: H. M. Sanborn - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1267 - 5¢ Salvation Army 100 Years of Service - Designer: Sam Marsh - Engraver: G. A. Payne
Number 1268 - 5¢ From a Painting of Dante - Designer: Douglas Gorsline - Engraver: A. W. Dintaman
Number 1269 - 5¢ Portrait of Herbert Hoover Designer: Norman Todhunter - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1270 - 5¢ Fulton and the Clermont Designer: John Maass - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1271 - 5¢ Spanish Flag, Ships and Explorer - Designer: Brook Temple - Engraver: A. W. Dintaman
Number 1271a - 5¢ Spanish Flag, Ships and Explorer - Yellow Omitted
Number 1272 - 5¢ Stop Light - Designer: Richard Hurd - Engraver: J. S. Creamer
Number 1273 - 5¢ From Painting - Elizabeth Clarke Copley - Designer: John Carter Brown - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1274 - 11¢ Sine Wave Over Galt Projection Map - Designer: Thomas F. Naegele - Engraver: A. W. Dintaman
Number 1275 - 5¢ Photo of Stevenson over UN Logo - Designer: George Samerjan - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1276 - 5¢ An 1840 Weathervane - Angel with Trumpet - Untagged - Designer: Robert J. Jones - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1276a - 5¢ Weathervane - Angel with Trumpet - Tagged - Nov. 15, 1966
Air Mail
Number C65a - 8¢ Jetliner Over Capitol Coil Stamp - Design of 1962 - Tagged - Perforated 10 Horizontally - Jan. 14, 1965
Special Delivery
There were no new Special Delivery stamps issued in 1965.