This chart is based upon both major and minor catalog numbers. The default opening view shows all US stamps; you can filter the chart by using the drop down box to select stamps by ‘Type’.
Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Date Issued Perforation Num Produced Series
749 National Parks: Great Smoky Mountains 10c grey black 10/8/1934 11 15,288,700 Farley
750 Mt. Rainier  and  Mirror Lake 3c deep violet 8/28/1934 Imperforated Farley
751 El Capitan, Yosemite 1c green 10/10/1934 Imperforated Farley
752 Type of Peace Issue 3c violet 3/15/1935 10½x11 Farley
753 Type of Byrd Issue 3c dark blue 3/15/1934 11 Farley
754 Whistler's Mother 3c deep violet 3/15/1934 Imperforated Farley
755 Wisconsin Tercentenary Issue 3c deep violet 3/15/1934 Imperforated Farley
756 National Parks: Yosemite, El Capitan 1c green 3/15/1934 Imperforated Farley
757 National Parks: Grand Canyon 2c red 3/15/1934 Imperforated Farley
758 National Parks: Mt. Ranier, Mirror Lake 3c deep violet 3/15/1934 Imperforated Farley
759 National Parks: Mesa Verde, Cliff Palace 4c brown 3/15/1934 Imperforated Farley
760 National Parks: Yellowstone, Old Faithful 5c blue 3/15/1934 Imperforated Farley
761 National Parks: Crater Lake 6c dark blue 3/15/1934 Imperforated Farley
762 National Parks: Acadia Park 7c black 3/15/1934 Imperforated Farley
763 National Parks: Zion Park 8c sage green 3/15/1934 Imperforated Farley
764 National Parks: Glacier National Park 9c red orange 3/15/1934 Imperforated Farley
765 National Parks: Smokey Mountains 10c grey black 3/15/1934 Imperforated Farley
766 Century of Progress Issue 1c yellow green 3/15/1934 Imperforated Farley
767 Federal Building 3c violet 3/15/1934 Imperforated Farley
768 Byrd Antarctic Issue 3c dark blue 3/15/1934 Imperforated Farley