This chart is based upon both major and minor catalog numbers. The default opening view shows all US stamps; you can filter the chart by using the drop down box to select stamps by ‘Type’.
Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Date Issued Perforation Num Produced Series
R196 Documentary 1c rose 1/1/1914 10
R197 Documentary 2c rose 1/1/1914 10
R198 Documentary 3c rose 10
R199 Documentary 4c rose 10
R200 Documentary 5c rose 1/1/1914 10
R201 Documentary 10c rose 1/1/1914 10
R202 Documentary 25c rose 1/1/1914 10
R203 Documentary 40c rose 10
R204 Documentary 50c rose 10
R205 Documentary 80c rose 10
R206 Documentary 1/2c rose 10
R207 Documentary 1c rose 10
R208 Documentary 2c rose 10
R209 Documentary 3c rose 10
R210 Documentary 4c rose 10
R211 Documentary 5c rose 10
R212 Documentary 10c rose 10
R213 Documentary 25c rose 10
R214 Documentary 40c rose 10
R215 Documentary 50c rose 10