This chart is based upon both major and minor catalog numbers. The default opening view shows all US stamps; you can filter the chart by using the drop down box to select stamps by ‘Type’.
Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Date Issued Perforation Num Produced Series
1486 American Arts: Henry O. Tanner 8c multi. 9/10/1973 11 146M American Art
1487 Willa Cather 8c multi. 9/20/1973 11 140M American Art
1488 Copernicus 8c black and orange 4/23/1973 11 159,475,000
1489 Window Clerk 8c multi 4/30/1973 10½x11 48M
1490 Mail Collection 8c multi 4/30/1973 10½x11 49M
1491 Letter Facing on Conveyor Belt 8c multi 4/30/1973 10½x11 49M
1492 Parcel Post Sorting 8c multi 4/30/1973 10½x11 49M
1493 Mail Canceling 8c multi 4/30/1973 10½x11 49M
1494 Manual Letter Routing 8c multi 4/30/1973 10½x11 49M
1495 Electronic Letter Routing 8c multi 4/30/1973 10½x11 49M
1496 Loading Mail on Truck 8c multi 4/30/1973 10½x11 49M
1497 Mailman 8c multi 4/30/1973 10½x11 49M
1498 Rural Mail Delivery 8c multi 4/30/1973 10½x11 49M
1498a Postal Service: 10x8c multi 4/30/1973 10½x11
1499 Harry S. Truman, 33rd President (1884-1972) 8c multi. 5/8/1973 11 157,052,800
1500 Marconi's Spark Coil and Gap 6c multi. 7/10/1973 11 53M
1501 Transistors and Printed Circuit Board 8c multi. 7/10/1973 11 160M
1502 Microphone, Spkeaker Vacuum Tube and TV Camera Tube 15c multi. 7/10/1973 11
1503 Lyndon B Johnson, 36th President (1908-1973) 8c multi. 8/27/1973 11 153M
1504 Angus and Longhorn Cattle 8c multi. 10/5/1973 11 146M