This chart is based upon both major and minor catalog numbers. The default opening view shows all US stamps; you can filter the chart by using the drop down box to select stamps by ‘Type’.
Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Date Issued Perforation Num Produced Series
O114 War 1c rose red 1/1/1879 12
O115 War 2c rose red 1/1/1879 12
O116 War 3c rose red 1/1/1879 12
O116a War 3c rose red 1/1/1879 Imperforated
O116b War 3c rose red 1/1/1879 12
O117 War 6c rose red 1/1/1879 12
O118 War 10c rose red 1/1/1879 12
O119 War 12c rose red 1/1/1879 12
O120 War 30c rose red 1/1/1879 12
O121 Postal Savings 2c black 12/22/1910 12
O122 Postal Savings 50c dark green 2/1/1910
O123 Postal Savings $1 ultramarine 2/1/1911
O124 Postal Savings 1c deep violet 3/27/1911
O125 Postal Savings 2c black 3/27/1911
O126 Postal Savings 10c carmine 2/1/1911
O127 Official 1c multi. 1/12/1983 11 x 10½
O128 Official 4c multi. 1/12/1983 11 x 10½
O129 Official 13c multi 1/12/1983 11 x 10½
O129A Official 14c multi. 5/15/1985 11
O130 Official 17c multi. 1/12/1983 11 x 10½