This chart is based upon both major and minor catalog numbers. The default opening view shows all US stamps; you can filter the chart by using the drop down box to select stamps by ‘Type’.
Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Date Issued Perforation Num Produced Series
5131 Patriotic Spiral Forever (47¢) Multicolored 9/2/2016 SDC 11 x 11
5132 Enterprise & Insignia Forever (47¢) Multicolored 9/2/2016 SDC 11 x 11 80,000,000 Star Trek
5133 Crewman in Transporter Forever (47¢) Multicolored 9/2/2016 SDC 11 x 11 Star Trek
5134 Starship Silhouette Forever (47¢) Multicolored 9/2/2016 SDC 11 x 11 Star Trek
5135 Starship & Vulcan Salute Forever (47¢) Multicolored 9/2/2016 SDC 11 x 11 Star Trek
5135a Star Trek 50th Anniversary Forever (47¢) Multicolored 9/2/2016 n/a Star Trek
5136 Eastern Tailed-Blue Butterfly (68¢) Multicolored 9/24/2016 SDC 10.5 x 10.5 Butterfly
5137 Four Teeth Forever (47¢) Multicolored 9/29/2016 SDC 11 x 11.75 Jack-O'-Lanterns
5138 Five Teeth Forever (47¢) Multicolored 9/29/2016 SDC 11 x 11.75 Jack-O'-Lanterns
5139 Three Teeth Forever (47¢) Multicolored 9/29/2016 SDC 11 x 11.75 Jack-O'-Lanterns
5140 Nine Teeth Forever (47¢) Multicolored 9/29/2016 SDC 11 x 11.75 Jack-O'-Lanterns
5140a Jack-O'-Lanterns Forever (47¢) Multicolored 9/29/2016 SDC 11 x 11.75 Jack-O'-Lanterns
5141 Kwanzaa Forever (47¢) Multicolored 10/1/2016 SDC 11 x 11 15,000,000 Kwanzaa
5142 Diya Lamp Forever (47¢) Multicolored 10/5/2016 SDC 11 x 11 30,000,000 Diwali
5143 Traditional: Florentine Madonna & Child Forever (47¢) Multicolored 10/18/2016 SDC 10.75 x 11 Traditional Christmas
5144 Traditional: Nativity Forever (47¢) Multicolored 10/18/2016 SDC 10.75 x 11 Traditional Christmas
5145 Candle in Window Forever (47¢) Multicolored 10/18/2016 SDC 10.75 x 11 Contemporary Christmas
5146 Wreath in Window Forever (47¢) Multicolored 10/18/2016 SDC 10.75 x 11 Contemporary Christmas
5147 Star in Window Forever (47¢) Multicolored 10/18/2016 SDC 10.75 x 11 Contemporary Christmas
5148 Christmas Tree in Window Forever (47¢) Multicolored 10/18/2016 SDC 10.75 x 11 Contemporary Christmas