This chart is based upon both major and minor catalog numbers. The default opening view shows all US stamps; you can filter the chart by using the drop down box to select stamps by ‘Type’.
Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Date Issued Perforation Num Produced Series
3694 Hawaiian Missionary 4x37c multi. 10/24/2002 11
3694a Hawaiian Missionaries - Two  and  Five Cents 37c multi. 10/24/2002 11
3694b 5c Stamp of 1851 37c multi. 10/24/2002 11
3694c Hawaiian Missionaries - Thirteen Cents 37c multi. 10/24/2002 11
3694d 13c Stamp of 1852 37c multi. 10/24/2002 11
3695 Happy Birthdoy Type of 2002 37c multi 10/25/2002 SDC 11 50M
3696 Greetings from America Type of 2002 37c multi. 10/25/2002 SDC 10¾
3697 Greetings from America Type of 2002 37c multi. 10/25/2002 SDC 10¾
3698 Greetings from America Type of 2002 37c multi. 10/25/2002 SDC 10¾
3699 Greetings from America Type of 2002 37c multi. 10/25/2002 SDC 10¾
3700 Greetings from America Type of 2002 37c multi. 10/25/2002 SDC 10¾
3701 Greetings from America Type of 2002 37c multi. 10/25/2002 SDC 10¾
3702 Greetings from America Type of 2002 37c multi. 10/25/2002 SDC 10¾
3703 Greetings from America Type of 2002 37c multi. 10/25/2002 SDC 10¾
3704 Greetings from Florida 37c multi. 10/25/2002 SDC 10¾
3705 Greetings from America Type of 2002 37c multi. 10/25/2002 SDC 10¾
3706 Greetings from America Type of 2002 37c multi. 10/25/2002 SDC 10¾
3707 Greetings from America Type of 2002 37c multi. 10/25/2002 SDC 10¾
3708 Greetings from America Type of 2002 37c multi. 10/25/2002 SDC 10¾
3709 Greetings from Indiana 37c multi. 10/25/2002 SDC 10¾