This chart is based upon both major and minor catalog numbers. The default opening view shows all US stamps; you can filter the chart by using the drop down box to select stamps by ‘Type’.
Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Date Issued Perforation Num Produced Series
3443 Deep Sea Creatures: Medusa 33c multi. 10/2/2000 10 x 10¼
3443a Deep Sea Creatures 5x33c multi 10/2/2000 10x10¼ 53M
3444 Thomas Wolfe 33c multi. 10/2/2000 11 53M Literary Arts
3445 White House 33c multi. 10/18/2000 11¼ 125M
3446 Edward G. Robinson 33c multi. 10/24/2000 11 52M Legends of Hollywood
3447 NY Public Library Lion (10c) multi. 11/9/2000 11½ American Scenes
3447a NY Public Library Lion (10c) multi. 1/1/2003 11½ American Scenes
3448 Flag over Farm 34c multi. 12/15/2000 11½
3449 Flag over Farm 34c multi. 12/15/2000 11¼
3450 Flag over Farm (34c) multi 12/15/2000 SDC 8
3450a Flag over Farm 18x(34c) multi 12/15/2000 11¼
3451 Statue of Liberty (34c) multi. 12/15/2000 SDC 11
3451a Statue of Liberty 0.34 multi. 12/15/2000 11
3452 Statue of Liberty (34c) multi. 12/15/2000 9¾ vert.
3453 Statue of Liberty 34c multi. 12/15/2000 SDC 10 vert.
3454 Lillies 34c multi. 12/15/2000 10½x10¾
3455 cymbidium orchid (34c) multi. 12/15/2000 10½x10¾
3456 freesia (34c) multi. 12/15/2000 10½x10¾
3457 Asian hybrid lily (34c) multi. 12/15/2000 10½x10¾
3457a Freesia, Orchid  and  Lilies 4 x (34c) multi. 12/15/2000 10¼x10¾