This chart is based upon both major and minor catalog numbers. The default opening view shows all US stamps; you can filter the chart by using the drop down box to select stamps by ‘Type’.
Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Date Issued Perforation Num Produced Series
3380 Louise Nevelson: Royal Tide 33c multi. 4/6/2000 11 Die Cut Artist
3381 Louise Nevelson: Black Chord 33c multi. 4/6/2000 11 Die Cut Artist
3382 Louise Nevelson: Nightsphere 33c multi. 4/6/2000 11 Die Cut Artist
3383 Louise Nevelson: Wedding Chapel 33c multi. 4/6/2000 11 Die Cut Artist
3383a Louise Nevelson 5x33c multi. 4/6/2000 Die Cut 55M Artist
3384 Edwin Hubble: Eagle Nebula 33c multi. 4/10/2000 11
3385 Edwin Hubble: Ring Nebula 33c multi. 4/10/2000 11
3386 Edwin Hubble: Lagoon Nebula 33c multi. 4/10/2000 11
3387 Edwin Hubble: Egg Nebula 33c multi. 4/10/2000 11
3388 Edwin Hubble: Galaxy NGC-1316 33c multi. 4/10/2000 11
3388a Hubble Images 5x33c multi. 4/10/2000 11 105M
3389 American Samoa Issue 33c multi. 4/17/2000 11
3390 Library of Congress: Interior Dome - Jefferson Building 33c multi. 4/24/2000 11 55M
3391 Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote 10x33c multi. 4/26/2000 11 Die Cut 30M Loony Tunes
3391a Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote 33c multi. 4/26/2000 11 Die Cut Loony Tunes
3392 Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote 10x33c multi. 4/26/2000 11 Die Cut Loony Tunes
3392a Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote 33c multi. 4/26/2000 Die Cut Loony Tunes
3393 Distinguished Soldiers: Maj General John L. Hines 33c multi. 5/3/2000 11 Distinguished Servicemen
3394 Distinguished Soldiers: General Omar Bradley 33c multi. 5/3/2000 11 Distinguished Servicemen
3395 Distinguished Soldiers: Sgt. Alvin York 33c multi. 5/3/2000 11 Distinguished Servicemen