This chart is based upon both major and minor catalog numbers. The default opening view shows all US stamps; you can filter the chart by using the drop down box to select stamps by ‘Type’.
Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Date Issued Perforation Num Produced Series
2341 Massachusetts Statehood Bicentennial 22c multi. 2/6/1988 11 Bicentenary Statehood
2342 Maryland Statehood 22c multi 2/15/1988 11 103M Bicentenary Statehood
2343 South Carolina 25c multi. 5/23/1988 11 162M Bicentenary Statehood
2344 New Hampshire 25c multi. 6/21/1988 11 153M Bicentenary Statehood
2345 Virginia Statehood 25c multi 6/25/1988 11 160M Bicentenary Statehood
2346 New York Statehood 25c multi 7/26/1988 11 183M Bicentenary Statehood
2347 North Carolina 25c multi. 8/22/1989 11 180M Bicentenary Statehood
2348 Rhode Island 25c multi. 5/29/1990 11 164M Bicentenary Statehood
2349 USA-Morocco Relations 22c scarlet and black 7/18/1987 11 157M
2350 William Faulkner 22c bright green 8/3/1987 11 156M Literary Arts
2351 Lacemaking-UL 22c ultramarine and white 8/14/1987 11 41M American Folk Art
2352 Lacemaking-UR 22c ultramarine and white 8/14/1987 11 41M American Folk Art
2353 Lacemaking-LL 22c ultramarine and white 8/14/1987 11 41M American Folk Art
2354 Lacemaking-LR 22c ultramarine and white 8/14/1987 11 41M American Folk Art
2354a Lacemaking 4x22c multi. 8/14/1987 11 41M American Folk Art
2355 The Bicentennial 22c multi. 8/28/1987 10 Horz. 117M
2356 We the People 22c multi. 8/28/1987 10 Horz. 117M
2357 Establish Justice 22c multi. 8/28/1987 10 Horz. 117M
2358 And Secure 22c multi. 8/28/1987 10 Horz. 117M
2359 Do Ordain 22c multi. 8/28/1987 10 Horz. 117M