This chart is based upon both major and minor catalog numbers. The default opening view shows all US stamps; you can filter the chart by using the drop down box to select stamps by ‘Type’.
Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Date Issued Perforation Num Produced Series
2186 Dennis Chavez 35c black 4/3/1991 11 480M Great Americans
2187 Claire Chennault 40c dark blue 9/6/1990 11 45M Great Americans
2188 Harvey Cushing, MD 45c bright blue 6/17/1988 11 272M Great Americans
2189 Hubert H. Humphrey 52c purple 6/3/1991 11 249M Great Americans
2190 John Harvard 56c scarlet 9/3/1986 11 53M Great Americans
2191 H.H. 'Hap' Arnold 65c dark blue 11/5/1988 11 75M Great Americans
2192 Wendell Willkie 75c deep magenta 11/1/1991 11 Great Americans
2193 Bernard Revel $1 dark prussian green 9/23/1986 11 Great Americans
2194 Johns Hopkins $1 dark blue 6/7/1989 11 87M Great Americans
2195 William Jennings Bryan $2 bright violet 3/19/1986 11 57M Great Americans
2196 Bret Harte $5 copper red 8/25/1987 11 Great Americans
2197 Jack London 25c blue 5/3/1988 10 Great Americans
2197a Jack London 6x25c blue 1/1/1995 10 Great Americans
2198 Handstamped Cover 22c multi. 1/23/1986 10 Vert. 117M
2199 Boy Examining Stamp Cover 22c multi. 1/23/1986 10 Vert. 117M
2200 Under Magnifying Glass 22c multi. 1/23/1986 10 Vert. 117M
2201 Presidents Miniature Sheet 22c multi. 1/23/1986 10 Vert. 117M
2201a Stamp Collecting Bkt 4x22c multi 1/23/1986 10 Vert. 117M
2202 Love - Puppy 22c multi 1/30/1986 11 947M Love
2203 Sojourner Truth 22c multi 2/4/1986 11 Black Heritage