This chart is based upon both major and minor catalog numbers. The default opening view shows all US stamps; you can filter the chart by using the drop down box to select stamps by ‘Type’.
Catalog Number Description Denomination Color Date Issued Perforation Num Produced Series
2116 Flag over Capitol 22c multi. 3/29/1985 10 Horz. 345M
2116A Flag,  Capitol 5x22c red, white  and  blue 3/29/1985 10 Horz.
2117 Frilled Dogwinkle 22c black and brown 4/4/1985 10 1.03B
2118 Reticulated Helmet Shell 22c multi. 4/4/1985 10 1.03B
2119 New England Neptune 22c black and brown 4/4/1985 10 1.03B
2120 Calico Scallop 22c black and violet 4/4/1985 10 1.03B
2121 Lightning Whelk 22c multi. 4/4/1985 10 1.03B
2121A Seashells 5x22c multi 4/4/1985 10 4.13B
2121e Seashells 5x22c multi. 4/4/1985 10
2122 Eagle  and  Half Moon $10.75 multi. 4/29/1985 10 Vert. Priority and Express
2122A Eagle and Half Pane $10.75 multi. 4/29/1985 10 Vert. Priority and Express
2123 School Bus 1920s 3.4c bluish green 6/8/1985 10 Vert. Transportation
2123a School Bus 1920s 3.4c bluish green 6/8/1985 10 Vert. Transportation
2124 Buckboard 1880s 4.9c brown black 6/21/1985 10 Vert. 19M Transportation
2124a Buckboard 1880s 4.9c black 6/21/1985 10 Vert. Transportation
2125 Star Truck Route 1910s 5½c deep magenta 11/1/1986 10 Vert. Transportation
2125a Star Truck Route 1910s 5½c deep magenta 11/1/1986 10 Vert. Transportation
2126 Tricycle 1880s 6c red brown 5/6/1985 10 Vert. Transportation
2126a Tricycle 1880s 6c red brown 5/6/1985 10 Vert. Transportation
2127 Tractor  1920s 7.1c lake 2/6/1987 10 Vert. 18M Transportation