US PO Forms and Tags

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Form Number 1549A
Title Window Registry Receipt Book
Where Used Used in conjunction with 1549 at larger post offices to provide customers with a quick receipt. Data about the sender and recipient copied from mail piece into form 1549 after the customer left the window.
EKU 1908 DLS
LKU 1909 DLS
Notes Introduced experimentally in Washington DC in 1907; extended to at least 66 large post offices in 1908. Until the end of 1910 consisted of two parts - a gummed label placed on the registered item and receipt detached and given to the customer. Both halves were stamped with the Registry Number and dated Registry Postmark. From 1911 gummed labels replaced by boxed registered handstamps, however the form number continued as a quick receipt for the customers. Replaced by 3806 in 1916 OPG.