Registered Covers

ID 1382
Cover Front Thb
Cover Back Thb
Postmark Year 1937
Postmark Month 5
Postmark Day 5
Postmark City New York
Postmark County USA
Postmark State NY
Postmark Country USA
Mailedfrom PO New York
Mailedfrom Branch Sta. D
Mailed To PO Riga
Mailed To Branch
Mailed To County Lativia
Mailed To State
Mailed To Country USA
Postal Class first air mail
Postage Charged 0
Registration Fee 0
Return Rec Type none requested
Return Rec Fee 0
Comments Registered cover intended to be flown on the Hindenberg return trip to Europe that never happend due to its crash at Lake Hurst, NJ, Cover was placed on the SS American Farmer and carried by sea to London where it ebtered the air mail for its trip to Lativia. There is a double oval mark PIEMAKSAT RIGA +manuscript 4 on the cover. This is a due marking from Riga indicating that the item has arrived. The reason for the due is that the cover is sent to Hauptpostlagernd=Main Poste Restante office.
Recorddate 2022-01-01 19:09:56
Cover Type Registered
Indemnity Amount up to $5.00