Registered Covers

ID 1288
Cover Front Thb
Cover Back Thb
Postmark Year 1953
Postmark Month 8
Postmark Day 13
Postmark City Dunbar
Postmark County
Postmark State WV
Postmark Country USA
Mailedfrom PO Dunbar
Mailedfrom Branch
Mailed To PO Roxboro
Mailed To Branch
Mailed To County
Mailed To State NC
Mailed To Country USA
Postal Class first
Postage Charged
Registration Fee
Return Rec Type
Return Rec Fee
Comments Total franking $.45 does not calculate evenly into existing rates for this date. Not marked handled special deliver but $.20 would be proper franking for that service. Minimum registration fee for this date is $.30. First class postage $.03 per oz. One possibility would be this item carried five units of first class postage totaling $.15 plus the $30 registration fee; however, this small envelope would have had to contain an exceptionally heavy content?
Recorddate 2019-08-03 19:41:16
Cover Type Registered
Indemnity Amount