Cover Front No Image Available
Cover Back No Image Available
Postmark Year1943
Postmark Month12
Postmark Day10
Postmark CityStaten Island
Postmark County 
Postmark StateNY
Postmark CountryUSA
Mailed from POStaten Island
Mailed from BranchStapelton Island
Mailed To POSan Francisco
Mailed To BranchStation ?
Mailed To County 
Mailed To StateCA
Mailed To CountryUSA
Postal Classfirst air mail
Postage Charged$0.06
Registration Fee$0.15
Indemnity Amountup to $5.00
Return Rec Typeoptional not requested
Return Rec Fee$0.00
Commentsspecial delivery fee $.10
Record date12/3/2017 12:40:15 PM
Cover TypeRegistered