Cover Front No Image Available
Cover Back No Image Available
Postmark Year1945
Postmark Month12
Postmark Day14
Postmark CityBoston
Postmark County 
Postmark StateMA
Postmark CountryUSA
Mailed from PO 
Mailed from BranchG.P.O.
Mailed To POWhitman
Mailed To Branch 
Mailed To County 
Mailed To StateMA
Mailed To CountryUSA
Postal ClassFirst
Postage Charged$0.03
Registration Fee$0.25
Indemnity Amount$5.01 to $50.00
Return Rec Typeoptional not requested
Return Rec Fee$0.00
CommentsAuxiliary one line device "Reclaimed From Ordinary Mail at Boston and Registered." Special delivery fee $.13.
Record date11/13/2017 1:44:50 PM
Cover TypeRegistered