3¢ Washington Head
Perf 10 Coils

Perf 10 Flat Plate Coil
Siegel 941*

Perf 10 Rotary
Vertical Coil

Perf 10 Rotary
Horizontal Coil - Type I

Perf 10 Rotary
Horizontal Coil
Type II
Joint Line Pair

Watermark and Type Check - The perf 10 flat plate coil, if genuine, can be only the type I Number 445. The only vertical 3¢ coil is the Number 489 and it is rotary and type I. The only type II 3¢ coil is Number 494. Thus, only the type I rotary horizontal coils need to be checked for watermark and type.

Coil Type Printing Method Watermark Type Number
perf 10 vertically Flat Plate single-line I 445
perf 10 vertically Rotary Press single-line I 456
perf 10 horizontally Rotary Press none I 489
perf 10 vertically Rotary Press none I 493
perf 10 vertically Rotary Press none II 494

The flat plate type I perf 10 coil, Number 445, is sometimes faked by cutting off the perforations on the 3¢ perf 10 sheet stamp. The fakes usually measure smaller than the desired 25mm tall and are therefore not very convincing. Taller fakes can also be made from the imperforate type I stamp, Number 483. Although the 483 is unwatermarked, it may pass detection if the watermark is not checked. Be aware that fake watermarks do exist on this stamp. Better centered copies and line pairs are particularly suspect. In all cases make sure the flat plate coil has a single-line watermark.

*The Number 445 illustrated is courtesy of the Robert A. Siegel Auciton Galleries, Inc. and is from sale #941, The John F. Odeneal Collection of Superb Mint U.S. Stamps, October 3, 2007.

Also See: Identification guide for types I and II of the 3¢ Washington

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