1¢ Franklin
Perf 12
Vertical Coil

Watermark Check: You will need to check the watermark on this stamp.

 Number Watermark May be faked by
trimming this stamp
Often faked by
adding perforations to this stamp
348 Double-line 331 343
385 Single-line 374 383

The 1¢ vertical coils, Number 348 and Number 385 are often faked. Both of these stamps are prime candidates for fakery, since they are in that gray area in which the cost of certification can often be more than the cost of the stamp. Particularly suspect are well-centered stamps. Although many fakes are made by trimming a fully perforated or a large margined straight edge copy of the sheet stamps, these fakes are easily recognized since they often measure less than the proper width of at least 21.5 mm. The more dangerous fakes are made from the imperforate stamps, in this case Number 343 and Number 383, respectively. The perforations must be examined closely to guarantee authenticity.
see also Number  352 and 387

Washington Franklin Identifier Tool