Domestic Letter Rate: 4¢ per oz.
Postcard Rate: 3¢
Air Mail Rate: 7¢ per oz.
Commemorative Postage Stamps of 1960
Rotary Press - Perf 11 x 10½ - 200 Subject Electric Eye Plates
World Refugee Year Stamp
Washington, D.C. - April 7, 1960
113,195,000 issued
Honoring the American Woman
Washington, D.C. - June 2, 1960
111,080,000 issued
Pony Express Centennial Stamp
Sacramento, CA - July 19, 1960
119,665,000 issued
Wheels of Freedom Stamp
Detroit, MI - Oct. 15, 1960
109,695,000 issued
Echo 1 - Communications for Peace Stamp
Washington, D.C. - Dec. 15, 1960
124,390,000 issued
Giori Press Printings - Perf 11 x 11 - 200 Subject Plates
Washington's Farewell Address
"Observe good faith and justice toward..."
Mount Vernon, VA - Jan. 20, 1960
126,470,000 issued
Quotation from Benjamin Franklin
"Fear to do ill, and you need..."
Philadelphia, PA - Mar. 31, 1960
124,560,000 issued
Quotation from Thomas Jefferson
"I have sworn ... Hostility toward..."
Charlottesville, VA - 5/18/60
115,455,000 issued
Quotation from Francis Number Key
"And this be our Motto..."
Baltimore, MD - Sept.14, 1960
122,060,000 issued
Quotation from Abraham Lincoln
"Those who Deny freedom to others..."
New York, NY - 11/19/60
120,540,000 issued
Quotation from Patrick Henry
"Give me LIBERTY or give me DEATH"
Richmond, VA - Jan.11, 1961
113,075,000 issued
Giori Press Printings Contd. - Perf 11 x 11 - 200 Subject Plates
50th Anniv. - Boy Scouts of America
Washington, D.C. - Feb. 8, 1960
139,325,000 issued
Thomas Masaryk
"Champion of Liberty" - D.C. - Mar. 7, 1960
288 Subject Plates - 44,215,200 issued
Water Conservation
Washington, D.C. - Apr. 18, 1960
121,805,000 issued
American Flag with 50 Stars
Honolulu, HI - July 4, 1960
153,025,000 issued
Mexican Independence Sesquicentennial
Los Angeles, CA - Sept. 16, 1960
112,260,200 issued
U.S. - Japan Treaty Centennial
Washington, D.C. - Sept. 28, 1960
125,010,000 issued
Jan Paderewski
"Champion of Liberty" - D.C. - Oct. 8
288 Subject Plates - 42,696,000 issued
Boys' Clubs of America Centenary
New York, NY - Oct. 18, 1960
123,690,000 issued
First Automated U.S. Post Office
Providence, RI - Oct. 20, 1960
123,970,000 issued
Baron Gustaf Mannerheim
"Champion of Liberty" - D.C. - Oct. 26
288 Subject Plates - 42,076,800 issued
50th Anniv. of the Campfire Girls
New York, NY - Nov. 1, 1960
116,210,000 issued
Giuseppe Garibaldi
"Champion of Liberty" - D.C. - Nov. 2, 1960
288 Subject Plates - 42,746,400 issued
Rotary Press Commemoratives of 1960
Perf 10½ x 11 - 200 Subject Electric Eye Plates
1960 Winter Olympic Games
Olympic Valley, CA - Feb. 18, 1960
124,455,000 issued
Thomas Masaryk
"Champion of Liberty" - D.C. - Mar. 7
280 Subject Plates - 113,792,000 issued
South-East Asia Treaty Organization
Washington, D.C. - May 31, 1960
280 Subject Plates - 115,353,000 issued
"Employ the Handicapped" Stamp
New York, NY - Aug. 28, 1960
117,855,000 issued
World Forestry Congress Stamp
Seattle, WA - Aug. 29, 1960
118,185,000 issued
Jan Paderewski
"Champion of Liberty" - D.C. - Oct. 8, 1960
280 Subject Plates - 119,798,000 issued
Robert A. Taft Memorial Stamp
Cincinnati, OH - Oct 10, 1960
280 Subject Plates - 106,610,000 issued
Baron Gustaf Mannerheim
"Champion of Liberty" - D.C. - Oct. 26, 1960
280 Subject Plates - 124,796,000 issued
Giuseppe Garibaldi
"Champion of Liberty" - D.C. - Nov. 2, 1960
280 Subject Plates - 126,252,000 issued
Walter F. George Memorial Stamp
Vienna, GA - Nov. 5, 1960
280 Subject Plates - 124,117,000 issued
Andrew Carnegie Stamp
New York, NY - Nov. 25, 1960
280 Subject Plates - 119,840,000 issued
John Foster Dulles Memorial Stamp
Washington, D.C. - Dec. 6, 1960
280 Subject Plates - 117,187,000 issued
The Air Mail Stamps of 1960
Giori Press - Perf 11 x 11 - 200 Subject Plates
The 10¢ Liberty Bell Air Mail Stamp
Miami, FL - June 10, 1960
39,960,000 issued
The 25¢ Lincoln Air Mail Stamp
San Francisco, CA - Apr. 22, 1960
Rotary Press - 400 Subject Electric Eye Plates
The 7¢ Jet Silhouette Air Mail
Arlington, VA - Aug. 12, 1960
Perf 10½ x 11 - 1,289,460,000 issued
10¢ Pan American Games Air Mail
Chicago, IL - Aug. 27, 1959
38,770,000 issued
The following postage stamp varieties were first issued by the U.S. in 1960
Ordinary issue
see also: The Series of 1954 - "The Liberty Issue"
Number 1031A - 1¼¢ Palace of Governors- June 17,1960
Number 1054 - 1¢ Washington Coil Stamp - Dry Printing - Small Holes: Feb. 1960
Number 1054A - 1¼¢ Palace of Governors Coil Stamp (small and large holes) - 6/17/60
Number 1139 - 4¢ American Credo - Washington's Farewell Address - Designer: Frank Conley - Engraver: R. J. Jones
Number 1140 - 4¢ American Credo - Quotation from Ben Franklin - Designer: Frank Conley - Engraver: R. J. Jones
Number 1141 - 4¢ American Credo - Quotation from Thomas Jefferson - Designer: Frank Conley - Engraver: R. J. Jones
Number 1142 - 4¢ American Credo - Quotation from Francis S. Key - Designer: Frank Conley - Engraver: R. J. Jones
Number 1143 - 4¢ American Credo - Quotation from Abraham Lincoln - Designer: Frank Conley - Engraver: R. J. Jones
Number 1145 - 4¢ 50th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America - Designer: Norman Rockwell - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1146 - 4¢ 1960 Winter Olympic Games - Squaw Valley - Designer: Ervine Metzl
Number 1147 - 4¢ Champion of Liberty - Thomas G. Masaryk - Designer: Arnold Copeland - Engraver: R. M. Bower
Number 1148 - 8¢ Champion of Liberty - Thomas G. Masaryk - Designer: Arnold Copeland - Engraver: R. M. Bower
Number 1149 - 4¢ World Refugee Year Stamp - Designer: Ervine Metzl - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1150 - 4¢ Water Conservation Stamp - Designer: Elmo White - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1151 - 4¢ South-East Asia Treaty Organization Stamp - Designer: John Maass - Engraver: R. M. Bower
Number 1152 - 4¢ Honoring the American Woman Stamp - Designer: Robert Sivard - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1153 - 4¢ American Flag with 50 Stars - Designer: Stevan Dohanos - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1154 - 4¢ Pony Express Centennial Stamp - Designer: Harold von Schmidt - Engraver: R. M. Bower
Number 1155 - 4¢ "Employ the Handicapped" Stamp - Designer: Carl Bobertz - Engraver: A. W. Dintaman
Number 1156 - 4¢ World Forestry Congress Stamp - Designer: C. R. Chickering - Engraver: R. M. Bower
Number 1157 - 4¢ Mexican Independence Sesquicentennial - Designer: Leon Helguera - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1158 - 4¢ U.S. and Japan Treaty Centennial - Designer: Gyo Fujikawa - Engraver: M. D. Fenton
Number 1159 - 4¢ Champion of Liberty - Ignacy Jan Paderewski - Designer: Arnold Copeland - Engraver: R. M. Bower
Number 1160 - 8¢ Champion of Liberty - Ignacy Jan Paderewski - Designer: Arnold Copeland - Engraver: R. M. Bower
Number 1161 - 4¢ Robert A. Taft Memorial Stamp - Designer: Wm. K. Schrage - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1162 - 4¢ National Automobile Show - Wheels of Freedom - Designer: Arnold Copeland - Engraver: M. D. Fenton
Number 1163 - 4¢ Boys' Clubs of America Centenary Stamp - Designer: C. R. Coiner - Engraver: M. D. Fenton
Number 1164 - 4¢ First Automated Post Office in the U.S. Stamp - Designer: Arnold Copeland - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1165 - 4¢ Champion of Liberty - Baron Gustaf Mannerheim - Designer: Arnold Copeland - Engraver: R. M. Bower
Number 1166 - 8¢ Champion of Liberty - Baron Gustaf Mannerheim - Designer: Arnold Copeland - Engraver: R. M. Bower
Number 1167 - 4¢ 50th Anniversary of the Campfire Girls - Designer: H. Edward Oliver - Engraver: R. M. Bower
Number 1168 - 4¢ Champion of Liberty - Giuseppe Garibaldi - Designer: Arnold Copeland - Engraver: M. D. Fenton
Number 1169 - 8¢ Champion of Liberty - Giuseppe Garibaldi - Designer: Arnold Copeland - Engraver: M. D. Fenton
Number 1170 - 4¢ Walter F. George Memorial Stamp - Designer: Wm. K. Schrage - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1171 - 4¢ Andrew Carnegie Stamp - Designer: C. R. Chickering - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Number 1172 - 4¢ John Foster Dulles Memorial Stamp - Designer: Wm. K. Schrage - Engraver: R. M. Bower
Number 1173 - 4¢ Echo 1 - Communications for Peace Stamp - Designer: Ervine Metzl - Engraver: C. A. Brooks
Air Mail
Number C57 - 10¢ Liberty Bell Air Mail Stamp
Number C59 - 25¢ Lincoln Air Mail Stamp
Number C60 - 7¢ Jet Silhouette Air Mail Stamp
Number C60a - 7¢ Jet Silhouette Air Mail Booklet Pane - St. Louis, MO - 8/19/60
Number C61 - 7¢ Jet Silhouette Coil Stamp
Special Delivery and Postage Due
There were no new Special Delivery or Postage Due stamps issued in 1960.