Comparison of Types III and IV of the 2¢ Triangle: The "T" of "TWO"

Type III

The right edge of the "T" in the "TWO" of "TWO CENTS" is curved and forms a teardrop shape.

Type IV

The right edge of the "T" in the "TWO" of "TWO CENTS" is straightened and is nearly vertical. This is a rather weak example, on many Type IV stamps the straightness of this line is rather pronounced.

This can be misleading and should only be taken into account as one more piece of the puzzle. There exist Type III stamps with the straight line and Type IV stamps with the curved "teardrop". However, the majority of stamps obey this rule, and it should be taken into consideration before confirming type.

All the Type III examples are from the same scanned stamp from plate number 146, and all the Type IV examples are from the same scanned stamp from plate number 762.